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Читать книгу Щенок Элли, или Долгая дорога домой / Ellie the Homesick Puppy онлайн на КулЛиб

Ellie stared soulfully at Megan, watching her tape[24] up the box. It looked fun. Her ears twitched, and her tail wagged a little. Perhaps she could jump at that tape? She was never quite sure what was naughty, and sometimes jumping at things got her told off[25]

Suddenly, Ellie’s ears pricked up. She could hear someone coming down the path. Tail wagging, she stood up on the bed to look out of the window, and gave Megan a little warning bark. It was Bella!

Before Bella even had the chance to ring the bell, Megan and Ellie raced out of the room and down the stairs, making for[26] the front door. Ellie won easily. She always did[27]. She was amazingly fast. She scrabbled at the front door with her paws, barking excitedly, until Megan caught up[28].

‘Ssshh! Ellie, ssshh! Come back, look, I can’t open the door when you’ve got your paws on it, can I?’

Ellie scampered back, panting excitedly. She knew Megan’s friend Bella, and she hoped this meant a walk after all[29]. She was used to walking[30] with Bella, as Megan and her mum usually picked Bella up on the way to school. Ellie and Megan often walked round the corner to Bella’s house when they went to the park too, as Megan’s parents didn’t like her going on her own, even when she had Ellie with her.

‘Hi, Megan! Mum said I could come round and help you pack, if that’s OK with your mum and dad?’ Bella looked hopefully at Megan’s dad, who was struggling into the hall[31] carrying a massive box of china[32] from the kitchen.


* * *

Bella stared around Megan’s room. ‘All these boxes!’ She slumped down on Megan’s bed sadly, and Ellie scrambled up after her to lick her face. ‘Oof, not so much, Ellie! Oh, Megan, I’ve known for ages you were going[34], but it seems so real now.’