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Читать книгу Щенок Элли, или Долгая дорога домой / Ellie the Homesick Puppy онлайн на КулЛиб

Dad had it propped up on the chair in front of him, covered by a bag of frozen peas. ‘I’ll live. But this has made us think[55], Megan. Mum and I have talked it over, and we’re sure it’s the right thing to do now…’

‘What is?’ Megan asked cautiously. From the way Mum and Dad were looking, she had a feeling it was going to be something she wouldn’t like.

‘Ellie’s really been getting in the way[56] while we’ve been packing, Megan,’ Mum explained. ‘It’s going to be the same when the removal men are loading up, and when we’re unpacking at the new house, too. It’s just not practical having a puppy around. Dad could have been hurt[57] really badly.’

‘She didn’t mean to,’[58] Megan pleaded. ‘She’s only little. She wasn’t trying to be naughty.’

‘We know that, but we’re so busy, and no one has the time to exercise Ellie properly right now. So she’s even bouncier and sillier than usual! Aren’t you, hey?’ Dad reached out very gently to stroke the puppy. ‘Oh dear,[59] I really did frighten her[60],’ he said sadly, as he saw Ellie’s eyes widen nervously as he came close. ‘It isn’t fair on her.’

Megan gulped. She could see that they were right – she could hardly argue that Ellie wasn’t getting in the way, when Dad was sitting there with a hurt ankle. ‘But what are you going to do?’ she whispered. ‘You’re not going to make us give her back to Mrs Johnston, are you?’ Mrs Johnston was the breeder who had sold Ellie to them. She felt tears starting to well up in her eyes. ‘Please don’t say we have to give her back!’ she choked out. ‘It wasn’t her fault, I’ll be more careful, I promise!’