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Читать книгу Щенок Элли, или Долгая дорога домой / Ellie the Homesick Puppy онлайн на КулЛиб

Perhaps Megan would come and get her soon? She had been here with Megan before, after all. And she definitely remembered Sid, and the way this house smelled so strongly of cat. Megan must be coming later, Ellie decided hopefully. Every time footsteps went past on the pavement outside she pricked up her ears and wagged her tail. But as the afternoon wore on[76], she stopped bothering[77]. It never was Megan, and now it was getting dark.

She padded over to her basket and stared at it miserably. If Megan was coming to get her, she wouldn’t need her basket. Her food bowls were here too, and her toys. Why would they be here if Megan was coming to take her home?

* * *

‘Can I talk to Ellie, Gran?’ Megan asked, gripping the phone tightly.

‘I’m not sure that’s a very good idea, Megan,’ Gran said gently. ‘It might upset her. She’ll be fine. I’m going to put a hot water bottle in her basket, and she’s got her blanket and all her usual things. I expect she’ll have settled down by the morning.[78]

Which means she hasn’t settled down now,

They were having fish and chips for tea[80], as a treat, so they didn’t have to cook, but Megan hardly ate anything. It wasn’t the same without Ellie lurking hopefully under the table in case anyone dropped a chip.

Only till Tuesday,Today’s Sunday. Tuesday afternoon, I’ll have Ellie back.

* * *

That night, Ellie was left alone in Gran’s kitchen. She had her own familiar basket and her blanket, which was wrapped round a cosy hot water bottle, but she was still desperately homesick.